Crystals For Mothers
• C R Y S T A LS F O R M O T H E R S •
Rose Quartz / Celestite / Blue Lace Agate
These are some crystals that are helpful to mothers - all the mothers, the mother-figures, the fathers who do both roles, the future mothers, want to be mothers, and the mothers who are no longer with us.
Rose Quartz is the stone of love and compassion.Self-Care: mothers give so much love and time to their families, it is easy to forget to receive love and to love themselves. Rose Quartz reminds mothers to take time for self-care, self-forgiveness and to love themselves unconditionally.
Celestite is a crystal which helps you release patterns of behaviour and attitudes inherited from your mother and her mother before her, that no longer serve you.Crystal Grid: create a crystal grid with Celestite in the middle and a photo of the matriarch in the middle, surrounded by nine clear quartz point crystals (five facing in, four facing out). Black tourmaline can be added to transmute negative attitudes and behaviours.
Blue Lace Agate offers support for mothers with its circular flowing energy that calms and uplifts. Carry a piece with you for encouragement and support when you need it.Baby's Room: place a tumbled piece in your baby’s room to ease crying, and in a toddler’s room to ease whining and clinginess.
Your Mother: Blue Lace Agate supports tensions with your own mother – place a piece with a blue candle and photo of her and when you look at the picture affirm to yourself that she does the best she can.
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