Rosewater Spritzer
· R O S E W A T E R S P R I T Z E R ·
Self Care / Self Love / Inner Beauty
I am reading and loving The Inner Beauty Bible by Laurey Simmons, and I know a lot other people are enjoying it too. It is such a gorgeous book, with stunning photos, beautiful rituals, and wonderful advice for setting up a sacred space and recognizing and nurturing our own inner beauty. I would recommend this book to anyone who needs more self love and self care in their craft.
This Rosewater Spritzer is from the opening chapter, and is a simple sensory ritual that I wanted to share because it is beautiful. If you use botanicals, the spritzer will only stay fresh for a few days, so don’t make too much at a time!
To make this spritzer, you will need:
- Rose petals
- A bowl
- Hot water
- Rose quartz chips
- Rose essential oil
- A spritzer bottle (or your own adaption)
- Place the fresh flowers in the bowl, and pour enough hot water to cover
- Refrigerate overnight
- Sieve in the morning and discard the flowers
- Add a couple of drops of essential oil, add to a spritzer bottle, and add some crystals chips
- Keep the spritzer either in the fridge or somewhere cool
- Spritz!
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