Imbolc Eve Healing Water
· I M B O L C E V E
H E A L I N G W A T E R ·
Healing / Beauty / Potions
Southern Hemisphere: traditionally on the 31st July
Northern Hemisphere: traditionally on the 31st January
Northern Hemisphere: traditionally on the 31st January
Imbolc is a time of honouring the Spring Goddess Brigid and welcoming the firsts signs of Spring.
On Imbolc Eve, leave a small bowl of water out on your doorstep or garden. Brigid visits on the morning of Imbolc, and she blesses the water for health and beauty.
If you want to leave gifts, flowers and small baked cakes are traditional.
Beauty: it is said that if you put the Healing Waters of Brigid on your face on Imbolc morning, you won’t age during the year!
Potions: keep the rest of the Imbolc Water for spells, healing and other potions, especially appearance and beauty spells.
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