Dark Moon
· D A R K M O O N ·
Seclusion / Self-Care / Introspection
The Dark Moon is the period just before a New Moon. It is called a Dark Moon as there is no visible white moon in the sky. You may see the full round darkened moon if the sky is clear, but it is hard to spot.
The Dark Moon is a time of introversion, rest, stillness, seclusion. Let go of what no longer serves you, contemplate on what you have accomplished, and what you want to accomplish in the future.
Here are some ideas for what to do on the Dark Moon.
- If you are in tune with the moon, you probably will be feeling the need for seclusion on the Dark Moon. Take some time in the day for meditation, introspection, soul searching.
- Self-care: drink tea, have a bath, do what makes you feel good.
- Write in your journal, Grimoire or Book of Shadows.
A lot of witches don't like to perform any spells on a Dark Moon. However, that is up to the individual. Spells that are good on a Dark Moon are ones that ask for peace, creativity and powerful healing.
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