· C R E A T I V I T Y C R Y S T A L S ·
Labradorite / Sunstone / Turquoise
- Folklore: in folklore, the Northern Lights were created when a great Inuit warrior struck his spear into a Labradorite, releasing the luminescent shine. Like the Northern Lights, Labradorite encourages you to shine your creative light, think outside the square and believe dreams are possible. It calms an overactive mind and encourages new ideas by energizing the mind
- Creative space: keep a piece of Labradorite in your creative space (desk, easel, studio)
- For new ideas and inspiration: hold a piece of Labradorite in your receptive hand (your receptive hand is the hand which receives energy – most right-handed people would use their left hand as their receptive hand. The other hand is known as the projective hand - it sends energy) at night under a new moon if possible. Centre yourself, breathe and focus, and allow ideas to come to you
- Dreaming: It is said that putting a Labradorite in your pillowcase will allow creative ideas to come to you in your dreams
Sunstone helps balance the Sacral Chakra which in turn, enhances your creative side. When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, you can embrace new opportunities and the pleasures of life, allowing you to uncover hidden talents, and honour and share your creativity
Turquoise stimulates the throat and heart chakras to encourage the flows of ideas. It eliminates blockages, and helps you express your ideas in a creative and interesting way
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