· A G R I M O N Y ·
Psychic Healing / Reversing / Protection
According to European folklore, Agrimony was used in dream pillows to induce a deep, dreamless sleep. Typically it was actually used on other people, with the intention of leaving the house unnoticed. These days it is used as a sleep-aid, particularly to prevent nightmares and to reduce night anxiety
Agrimony is used in many areas of healing, but is particularly beneficial in psychic healing and increasing psychic courage as it releases fear. Make a strong cleansing infusion by pouring boiling water over some Agrimony. Let it cool, strain, and use a cloth to wip the infusion l over the skin. Alternatively, place some Agrimony in a bag and hang it on the bathtub faucet, so the water runs through the herb as you fill up the bath⛤ REVERSING ⛤
Hex-breaking bath: make a strong infusion with Agrimony as well as angelica, chamomile, hydrangea flowers, lovage and five finger grass (alternatively, tormentil). Do not strain the botanicals, fully submerge at least once under the water,air dry, and do not bathe for at least 24 hours afterwards.
A candle reversing spell: use a reversing candle or a white candle and either anoint it with Agrimony oil or sprinkle Agrimony herbs around the base, and burn.
Lies and slander: when used with slippery elm bark, it is said to break spells involving lies and slander.
Evil Eye: combined with rue, it is said to send back the Evil Eye.
Hex Breaking: combined with salt, it is said to break hexes.
- Negativity
- Low / bad vibrations
- Counteracting the evil eye
- Gossip and slander
- Negative energies / spirits
Agrimony usage:
- Burned in banishing rituals
- Used in protective sachets, spells and medicine bags
- Added to floor washes
- Used as incense
Great for any spells for worries and fears, reversing spells, hex-breaking, house protection, protection from low energies/vibrations, psychic abilities, psychic healing, healing, cleansing, shielding, restful sleep.⛤ HEXENLORE ⛤
Healing: Agrimony can be added to any healing spell as it enhances the strength of the spell.
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