Palo Santo

· P A L O   S A N T O ·

Cleansing / Protection / Attraction



Palo Santo, known as “Holy Wood” is a beautiful piney-citrusy-minty scented smoke cleansing wood native to Mexico and South America. The vibrations and effect of Palo Santo are different to other types of smoke cleansing botanicals (sage, myrrh, frankincense).


    Use Palo Santo to cleanse and purify both your house and aura from negative energy. It is grounding and brings in feelings of peace and love with its beautiful warmth and harmonizing energies. It also helps heal emotional scars which is super important especially for empaths. You can also cleanse your tarot cards, tools and crystals with Palo Santo. 


     Palo Santo will help protect your aura against negativity and black magic attacks by strengthening your shield. It raises your vibration, so it helps keep away negative thought patterns too. 


       Palo Santo is powerful when it comes to the law of attraction. It makes us a beacon of light and love, which in turn attracts good luck, love and wealth. The scent of Palo Santo will also attract spirits, wise ancestors and guides to help us 

      ⛤ HEXENLORE ⛤

      Morning Ritual: Add Palo Santo to your morning ritual or before work/school to completely cleanse your aura and prepare you to face the day and all the negative energies you will meet.

      Travel Pouch: I carry a piece of Palo Santo in a little travel pouch of witchy essentials every day, you never know when you might need it!

      Mercury Retrograde: Use Palo Santo during the Mercury Retrograde to keep your vibration high.
